Deposits is one of the no-show protection options. If you enable deposits, the clients who book online will have to pay partial or full price of the service upfront. The prepaid amount will be deducted from the total price at checkout.
Note: Deposits can be applied only to services with a set price. It's not possible to apply deposits to services with pricing types Varies, Free or Don't show. Minimum payment amount can’t be less than £5.00. Also note that you have to have mobile payments enabled to set up no-show protection. See how to enable mobile payments.
How to set up deposits:
1. Navigate to Business settings from the left sidebar (mobile: Profile → Settings)
2. Go to Payments & Checkout
3. Select No-show protection.
4. Stay on the Deposits tab.
5. Click Set No-show Protection rules.
Tip: Creating a rule means choosing a set of services that will have the same deposit percentage required. You can for example create a rule for all of your hair related services and set a 10% deposit and a different rule for nails related services and set a 15% deposit.
Adjust the percentage of the service price your clients will have to prepay using the + and the - buttons.
6. Click Apply to services.
7. Select checkboxes next to the services you want this rule to apply to and click Select.
Tip: You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find services.
8. Save.