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Booksy Biz Help Center - United States
Technical Issues
How do I contact support?
How to change language and country on Booksy?
Why aren’t my clients receiving verification codes or other text messages from Booksy?
Subscription Issues
Why isn't my Booksy subscription payment going through?
How can I restore my account after paying my Booksy Subscription?
How do I cancel my Booksy account?
How do I reset my Booksy password?
What do I do if I can’t remember my password?
How can I change my password if I don’t have access to my email?
How can my staff members change their passwords?
How can I change my email address?
My email is associated with another Booksy account. Can I create a new Booksy Biz account using the same email?
Data Export
How do I obtain a copy of my Client List from Booksy?